Work With Experts in Healthcare Market Research
The OGLLc Team Focus: helping healthcare clients close more business, with the genuine insights OGLLc delivers.
To deliver these deep qualitative healthcare customer insights comes from understanding the unseen WHY? Our proprietary Deep Forensic Interview, a technique, we developed and refined over many years, is how we make that delivery happen.
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Conrad Omansky

Betty Omansky

Mark Sackler, A.P.F.

Ms. Binnur Balim

David A. Russell, B.Sc., C.Eng.
Colleen Solomon
A wealth of client-side healthcare industry expertise and an uncanny sense of intuitive strategic thinking is what Colleen brings to the table.
Colleen’s experience spans a healthcare industry spectrum ranging from minimally-invasive surgical products to RGP contact lenses and solutions. Colleen has been a trusted OGLLc collaborative associate since 2001.
Nat Stern
Our Affiliate
With more than 25 years’ experience in healthcare, Nat offers a unique blend of sales, support, management and consultancy experiences. His extensive healthcare industry knowledge spans patient monitoring, diagnostic imaging, cardiology, resuscitation, IT, clinical laboratory systems technologies, and business models.
Nat is Managing Director of The River Group, LLC, a healthcare technology consulting firm offering strategic market analysis, equipment planning, project management and procurement as well as implementation services to healthcare providers, vendors and design firms.
Nat has been a trusted OGLLc collaborative associate since 2006.
In our clients’ own words
Our healthcare clients directly benefit from an informed competitive advantage when we discover their healthcare customers’ deep-seated, emotional wants. These drivers impact how and why they’re motivated to do business with our clients:

(OGLLc respects our clients’ requirements for discretion and confidentiality: References and data on file, available on request.)